General Objective

Encourage networking of Salesian works and services for young people and communities in vulnerable and excluded situations in America, with an approach to youth realities and the charismatic sustainability of processes in response to their needs.


Aparecida (SP) Location: Padre Vitor Coelho Events Center Accommodation: Rainha do Brasil Hotel


Arrival:September 8, 2024 (coordination of bus departures - transfer logistics) logistics)

Congress: September 9th to 13th, 2024

Specific objectives

  • SO1: Generate meeting processes and joint work commitments between RASS and RSB and other continental networks.
  • SO2: Share, as a pastoral educational community of Salesian works in America, spaces for reflection, prayer, and Salesian spirituality.
  • SO3: Share significant experiences of social works on the continent.
  • SO4: Listen to the voices of young people about their realities, stories, and experiences.
  • SO5: Propose research spaces on youth reality for the relevant development of social works on the continent.
  • SO6: Promote decision-making spaces in each network.

Approaches to develop

  • The path taken by the Networks in response to the processes of attention to social works and services: Turin agreements.
  • Youth realities: What does the Congregation say? What does the academy say? What do young people say? - Contributions from participants (space for reflection).
  • Charismatic sustainability and research processes to pay attention to youth realities.


Social Works Provincial Referents accompanied by at least one member of their team, among whom the presence of lay people is guaranteed.
Provincial Delegates for Youth Ministry.
In total, we hope to have the presence of 3 representatives per Province.

General Schedule


Prayer moment
Theme: network work

  • RSB and inspector coordination committee.

First block: Welcome

  • RASS e RSB Pe. Rafael Bejarano
    Moderator: RASS y RSB

Greetings from Regionals and Fr. Miguel Ángel

  • Fr. Hugo Orozco (video) Regional for Interamérica
  • Fr. Gabriel Romero (video) Regional for Cono Sur
  • Fr. Miguel Ángel G
    Councillor for Youth Ministry

Words from inspectors referring to social action RSB

  • Sis. Sarah Garcia
    Social Action references
  • Sis. Adriana Gomes e Fr. Felipe Bauziére
    Social Action references

Presentation dynamics (the network)

  • RASS

Presentation of the networks (RASS and RSB) and Turin agreements

  • RASS e RSB


Second block: Youth realities.
What does the Congregation say?

  • Fr. Miguel Ángel García
    Salesian Youth Ministry

Dialogue spaces: Resonances and questions.

  • Organizing team


Third block: Youth Realities of America
What does the academy say?

  • Dr. Maurício Perondi
    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil

Dialogue spaces: Resonances and questions.

  • Organizing team


Celebrant: Fr. Juan Linares

Liturgy: Salesian Province of Ecuador (ECU)

  • Organizing team


  • P. Rafael Bejarano

RASS 25th Anniversary Celebration

  • Dinner
  • RASS


Prayer moment
Theme: People in situations of Human Mobility

  • Salesian Province of México-Guadalajara (MEG)

First block: Youth realities

What do the youth say?



Second block: Good practices
What are we doing from social works?

  • Organizing team

Workshop - group work generative questions

Alternatives, suggestions, fundamental criteria: evangelization, association, accompaniment (organized by axes).

  • Group work methodology: RASS


  • Organizing team


Third block: Charismatic sustainability for addressing youth realities.

  • Fr. Rafael Bejarano
    Salesian Youth Ministry

Dialogue spaces: Resonances and questions.

  • Organizing team


Celebrant: Fr. Francisco Sánchez

Liturgy: Salesian Province of México-México (MEM)

  • Organizing team

Good night

  • Sis. Runita Galve Borja
  • General Counselor for Youth Ministry FMA.



Prayer moment
Theme: Shelters

  • Salesian Province of Peru (PER) province

First block:Projects with a rights-based approach for vulnerable youth in Salesian social works.

How to build projects with a rights-based approach aligned with the SDGs?

  • Lina Varón
    Cooperating Partner for America for Salesian Missions and Youth and Development.

Dialogue spaces: Resonances and questions.

  • Organizing team


Second block: Social research for impact measurement in Salesian Social Works.

How to do social research to measure the impact of Salesian action?

  • Patricia Vieira
    Salesian Youth Observatory

Dialogue spaces: Resonances and questions.

  • Organizing team


Departure to Aparecida Shrine
Celebratory moment (pilgrimage)

  • RSB -Salesian provinces of Brazil

Eucharist in the Sanctuary
Celebrant: from the own Sanctuary

Liturgy: Salesian provinces of Brazil

  • Organizing team



Prayer moment
Theme: Indigenous youth

  • Salesian province of Bolivia (BOL)

First block: A global look at resource management.

Economic sustainability.

  • Brazil:Eduardo Batista e Cinthia Kirch-ner, PRO REDE.
  • Projeto - Pro Rede
  • España: Jota Llorente
    Plataformas Sociales Salesianas
  • Italia: Francesco Preite
    Salesiani Per Il Sociale
  • Asia Sur: Joseph Prabú
    DB Young at Risk Social Forum
  • Antilles: Fr. Ysidro Ramírez y Marlon Herrera Rodríguez
    Boys and Girls with Don Bosco


Second block: Contributions to the general chapter 29

  • Fr. Rafael Bejarano


Departure to Pindamonhangaba - Social Work

  • Organizing team

Eucharist in social work.

  • Fr. Agnaldo Soares
  • Organizing team

Cultural Festive Dinner


Prayer moment
Theme: Drug addiction situation

  • Salesian province of South Argentina (ARS)

Network work

  • RASS e RSB


Conclusions and commitments Manifest

  • Fr. Alex Figueroa
  • Sis. Silvia da Silva
  • Fr. Sérgio Baldin
  • Sis. Sarah Garcia

Sending Eucharist
Celebrant: Fr. Miguel Ángel García.

Liturgy: Salesian provinces of United States East (SUE) and United States West (SUO).

  • Organizing team




Ir. Alaíde Deretti

Sis. Silvia A. da Silva

Pe. Ricardo Carlos

Fr. Sérgio Augusto

Fr. Alex Figueroa

Fr. Alex Figueroa


Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende

Fr. Miguel Ángel García


Fr. Rafael Bejarano Rivera

Fr. Rafael Bejarano Rivera


M.A. Lina Varón Gómez

M.A. Lina Varón Gómez


Jota Llorente

B.A. Jesús Javier Llorente del Río


Fr. Joseph Prabu

Fr. Joseph Prabu


Eduardo Batista

Eduardo Batista


Cinthia Kirchner

Cinthia Kirchner


Mauricio Perondi

Mauricio Perondi


Sarah Garcia

Sis. Sarah Garcia


Patrícia Vieira

Patrícia Vieira


Fr.. Francesco Preite

Fr.. Francesco Preite


Psych. Marlon Valentín Herrera Rodríguez

Psych. Marlon Valentín Herrera Rodríguez


Fr. Ysidro José Ramírez Delgado

Fr. Ysidro José Ramírez Delgado



The event will be held from September 9th to 13th, 2024, at Santo Afonso Meeting Center, at the Hotel Rainha do Brasil, in Aparecida - SP.

  • Rainha do Brasil Hotel
    Address: Isaac Ferreira da Encarnação Street, 501, Jardim Paraíba - Aparecida (SP) Telephone: +55 (12) 3104-3568
  • Check-in: starting at 2pm on September 08th/li>
  • Check-out: until 12pm on September 13th
  • Guest record
  • The Hotel

The cost of the tickets will be borne by each participant, who must inform the date and time of flight arrival on the registration form. The flight destination must be Guarulhos/SP International Airport, from where transfers will depart to Aparecida/SP.

From Guarulhos Airport to the city of Aparecida, transportation will be offered, exclusively on September 8th. Check out the details:

  • The meeting point will be at Café Vila do Grão, east domestic arrivals, Terminal 02. Contact of the person responsible for welcoming participants at the airport: (Jeane Ivrosk 11 95445-2041)
  • From the city of Aparecida to Guarulhos airport, transportation will be offered on September 13th, starting at 2 p.m.

  • The meeting point will be at Café Quinta do Grão (three hearts), east domestic arrivals, Terminal 02.

    Delegations that opt for private buses or vans, as they are in regions close to the Congress, must be responsible for the accommodation and food of their respective drivers.

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  • When purchasing the ticket, consider that the arrival at Guarulhos airport is at least 1 hour in advance of these times.
  • When purchasing the return ticket, consider the flight time after 6 pm on the 13th, depending on the journey from Aparecida to the airport.
  • In case of arrival before the 09th or staying after the end of the Congress, all costs will be borne by each participant.
  • The organization of the Continental Congress will not be responsible for participant transfers outside the times stated above.